The Learning Log is a valuable tool for reflecting on your personal and professional growth. It serves as a reflective diary or journal where you can capture your thoughts on what resonated with you each week, and how it might apply to your career. For a comprehensive guide on how to fill out your Learning Log, please refer to the 'Action Learning Log How To Guide' document found in the 'Assessments' section of the LMS. Additionally, this useful video is available for your reference.
It is important to note:
- It is not intended to be a synopsis of the lecture i.e. a record of your notes.
- On average, 250-300 words max per week should suffice to reflect on key learnings gained from each week.
- All Learning Logs must be uploaded via your LMS at the end of your course as one single document. Please do not attempt to upload your learning logs on a weekly basis.
Some helpful questions to ask yourself and to give you some guidance on what to write about in your learning log might include, for example: What were the key things the lecturer asked us to take away from the lecture? Other examples might be as follows:
- What surprised me most this week?
- What do I remember most about what the lecturer said this week and why does it stand out to me so much?
- Is there anything that I learned this week that I could apply now in my current job?
- What progress have I made in my learning?
- Can I think of a situation where the learning would have helped me to deal with a situation differently in hindsight?