What are your options if you need to request an extension for your assignment
If unforeseen personal circumstances (such as illness, bereavement etc.) make it difficult for you to complete assignments, please fill in the Extenuating Circumstance Form and attach any relevant supporting documentation. Extenuating Circumstances applications can also be considered retrospectively, i.e., after the submission date has already passed. The introductory page of the Application Form explains the basis for decisions.
Depending on the circumstances, a determination will be reached and communicated to you. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
If you submit the extension request on the day the assignment is due, a response will not be immediate, so may be after the deadline. In these cases, if the extension is denied you can still submit after the deadline during the re-submission period and your result will be capped at a pass.
When citing extenuating circumstances, please provide relevant documentation at the point of submitting a request, as applications cannot be updated subsequently. Documentation should be limited to official documents that relate to the provided circumstance e.g. a medical document / doctor’s cert / RIP link / letter from an official body. Personal images/photographs that contain images of the student/family members are not accepted as supporting evidence.
Please note that, since only unforeseen circumstances will be taken into account, holidays and pressure of work are not accepted as extenuating circumstances.
Students are asked not to direct queries regarding Extenuating Circumstances to individual lecturers.